London Craft Beer Festival

The weekend of the 5th and 6th August saw the London Craft Beer Festival. Luckily for me my son had bought tickets and invited me to Colchester.

Friday was a day off so I caught the train to Colchester stooping at several watering holes before he got home from work.

We were not sure of the format for the festival as the tickets were quite expensive, but the line-up of Brewers seem good.

After queueing for about 45 minutes we were finally admitted and our plan of the venue and glasses collected we headed off to the first mini-bar.  It was at this point that we realised why the tickets were a bit more that the usual Camra event.

Beers were a small “taster” rather than the traditional 1/2 or 1 pint.  However there was no charge.  This suited me as it meant that we could taste as many beer styles from as many of the brewers as we wanted without getting too drunk.  In fact the only charges were for merchandise and food.

“Selfie” in one of the Halls

More intense tasting 🙂

The crowds built up 🙁

The outside eating area (between showers), where there was street food to suit everyone.

All in all it was a fantastic day.  Thank you James for treating me. Returned home Sunday afternoon for a well earned rest at work Monday.